


with some protests and riots by people on some Govt. issues have become an increasingly big problem for world governments. In the past, Govt. go with some old-fashioned methods for brutally cracking down on protesters. But in today's life, Govt also moved further with technology based weapons for an effective way to control protesters. Few of these weapons are quite terrifying, hardly humane in the least, and could have terrible consequences if we allow them to become a part of everyday life.

                 10 Riot Control Weapons From Around The World:

10. Sonic Weapons Designed For Crowd Control:


        As we know loud noises can cause extreme pain and hearing loss, but now noises became fully weaponized,i.e, this Sonic weapon deals with loud noises. This device is used by US government for some quite some time now called the LRAD(Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD). It is developed to project commands over extremely long distances, especially out at sea and oceans and also used on the ocean to deter piracy. With the device Govt. can alert people in any emergency and  even preventing wildlife from getting too close to power generators.  However, as beneficial as the LRAD can be, over time, it became popular device to control people.  The police in Occupy Wall Street are used this LRAD device to disperse people. More recently, it was a pivotal part of the police strategy against the Ferguson protesters. This massive device can produce long and horrible noises which make you run far as faster as you an. However, while the devices are meant for nonlethal crowd control, they are far from harmless. Not only they can cause severe headaches, they can also cause permanent hearing loss. Like many crowd control weapons, “nonlethal” almost never means “non-damaging.” 

9. Laser Weapons Designed To Blind People And Potentially Sicken Them:

   This weapon is the least-threatening weapon which is field-tested. This laser gun emits a green light that can make suspect temporarily blind without any permanent negative side effects on the body. However, while it may sound silly, it can supposedly make the suspect feel disoriented, confused, and even nauseous. The worst thing is it not only makes you blind for some time, it also claims that the effects can stay with you for hours afterward. Yep! lasers are quite dangerous for the human eye, it can even damage your eye vision permanently. Unfortunately, many police departments around the countries are using these dangerous devices, even though they haven't fully tested.  Law enforcement agencies seem interested in the Dazer Laser because it’s less lethal than a Taser, and it’s also extremely easy to use.

8. An Actual Heat Ray For Dispersing Crowds:

    This Active sci-fi Weapon System sounds like something straight out of a comic book. This “sci-fi” weapon is a heat ray, and seems utterly ridiculous, the truth is that the US military has been carefully developing this device for many years now. This heat ray is just for riot control purpose. US officials are incredibly proud of their accomplishment. Mainly designed for the military to use against crowds, the heat ray could be an incredibly effective way to disperse civilian rioters in a nonlethal manner. The inventors of this device said that you can't see, feel and smell the weapon coming. Despite, it makes you feel like you're standing in front of a furnace,i.e, this device produces intense heat. However, some are skeptical about the safety of such a device. A few researchers have pointed out that due to the way heat disperses, people stand in the middle of a crowd could face serious injury or death. Some other studies show that if the weapon is used on an already hot day, it will cause the crowd to become delirious or enter a full-on panic. There is also some possibilities that people in the back can make it difficult to the people near the force to escape, thus causing them to burn.

7. A Taser Shotgun For When A Regular Taser Just Isn’t Enough:

    Tasers are one of the most controversial weapons in existence . . . and for good reason. While they are designed to be nonlethal, there are plenty of circumstances where Tasers have played lethal actions on people’s nervous systems, ending their lives prematurely. For a device that is supposed to be a safer alternative to guns, this is a bit of a problem because they can cause internal damage to our body .Now, we should add that the company Taser International believes their products are generally safe and that in the case of death, it is due to police misuse and not the fault of their device. To that end, they are concerned not so much with making Tasers safe. Instead, their primary concern is making their devices bigger and stronger.Police departments around the US have taken to this enthusiastically. This new weapon allows them to fire a charge straight out of a shotgun. Why? Well, the original Taser is limited to a fixed range of about 8 meters (25 ft), and because the wires have to remain attached to the device, you can only effectively shock one person at a time who stand 8 meters away from your gun. However, this shotgun allows you to shoot a wireless Taser charge almost 30 meters (100 ft), and then reload and shoot again very quickly. The Taser shotgun can now blast multiple people off their feet with electricity in the time it would take a normal Taser to subdue just one.

6. The Military Has Seriously Considered A Weapon For Drugging Mobs:

       In 2000, the deadlock between the rebel group and Russian government in which Russian Govt. used a mysterious gas on hostages where many lives were at stake. Many people judged whether the situation was a police matter or a matter of warfare. This mysterious gas caused the death of over 100 hostages, and the Russian Govt. refuse to reveal what kind it was. 

According  to the Chemical Weapons Convention, weapons such as tear gas or biological agents are illegal for military use. The only exception (for some chemicals) is for police actions. And because this was a rebel group, some in the international community—especially in the United States—heavily criticized Russia for its actions.

An organization called the Sunshine Project releaved that US had funded a university study on how to make crowd control weapons using calmative drug agents. At that time, Govt claimed that no such weapons were in development .

To make matters more dangerous, government officials admitted to receiving uninvited offers about such products. In other words, there are companies hungry to sell similar technologies to the government. Some are afraid this could lead to dangerous crowd control devices like weaponized Valium.

5. Water Cannons That Paint You For Future Arrest:

    In the United States, during the 1960s, the most common weapons used to disperse civil rights protesters were giant water cannons (and often enormous dogs as well).

Now many Modern water cannons often have a facility where the weapon is attached to a tank full of a hard-to-remove dye. So not only can authorities douse the protesters, but they can also paint them to be identified and arrested later. This technique has been used in recent protest situations in India. The Indian Govt. sprayed this dye and hits innocents people who aren't even part of the protest in the first place. Some people claimed the dye used is toxic and can lead to cancer.

4. Biological Weapons Have Been Tested On A Massive Scale Against US Citizens:

      Most people think American officials would stop short at doing terrible things to their own people. But the truth is that the US government has performed potentially dangerous biological weapons tests on its own citizens with even alarming them. The first known tests were conducted near San Francisco in the 1950s, and they were meant to see how well biological agents could be dispersed in fog. At this time, the government only released two kinds of bacteria they believed to be fairly harmless, but the success of this test spurred them on to “greater” heights.Over the next couple decades (before the projects were finally exposed and presumably stopped), they performed 239 tests of biological agents against their own people. Many of these tests took place in major population centers, like the New York subway system, for maximum effect. Critics have pointed out that these tests broke many rules of warfare, making the US extremely hypocritical. As far as we know, the US government is no longer testing these agents on their own people.

3. Israel Uses “Skunk” Gun In Attempts To Disperse Palestinian Protesters:

     While police forces and army in some countries like to use pain, physically discomfort and chemical gasses on the senses, the Israelis decided to try something a bit more effective. Due to the Conflict between the Israeli military and the Palestinian protesters, the Govt used gigantic water cannons which hit protester's head directly, driving them away with the painful force of the water filled with awful-smelling liquid. This sludge has been described as smelling like a combination of rotting food and dead bodies. It’s a scent that won’t go away for days, even with all the shampoo and perfume in the world. Despite its nonlethal nature, some human rights groups have decided this tactic is going too far which can even cause the death to the innocents. Nevertheless, it’s incredibly effective. Some victims have said that no one would come near them for days after being hit by the sludge. 

2. Pepper Spray Drones For Dispersing Unruly Crowds:

     As technologically advanced weapons cause warfare to become increasingly digital and less personal, instances of lining up on the battlefield are extremely rare. Many engagements are performed without getting close to the enemy. This is a perfectly logical progression of warfare. After all, the most valuable resources are your troops, and fighting remotely will always leave them in a safer position. Thus, drones are an incredibly valuable asset.

   The country of India has a very large population, and many of its citizens live in very cramped quarters. This makes policing difficult, especially when riots occur. This is why officials have been experimenting with flying drones rigged with cameras and pepper spray canisters, weapons that can be used remotely to disperse crowds without undue risk to the operator.

While they’ve only used pepper spray so far, we can safely assume they’ll soon experiment with other possible crowd control devices. And as with any new technology that expertly performs its devious purpose, the whole world will likely catch on in no time.

1. US Military Working On An Anti-Vehicle Sticky Foam Gun:

        In the 1990s, during a Marine deployment in Somalia, the US govt. decided that now was the time to test one of their new weapons. Those weapons should not design to kill the enemies, the US Govt Policy. Then they designed a weapon which will fire a projectile sticky foam, and while the Marines used it during their retreat in Somalia, reports of its effectiveness were overall rather poor.

     However, it remains to be seen whether they will have better luck stopping cars with foam than they did stopping people.

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